Wednesday 12 Feb


The first small scale LNG terminal in Italy

Depositi Italiani GNL, 51% owned by the PIR Group, 30% by Edison and 19% by Enagás (through the subsidiary Scale Gas), manages the new LNG handling and storage terminal located in the port of Ravenna.

The terminal, operational since October 2021, has a storage capacity of 20,000 cubic meters and a potential annual handling of over 1 million cubic meters of liquid gas, making LNG available in Italy for fueling at least 12,000 trucks and up to 48 ferries per year.

LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) as an alternative fuel to traditional fossil fuels is characterized by strong potential development thanks to the almost total reduction of polluting emissions and a significant reduction of climate-altering ones.

DIG Terminal Features

storage capacity 20,000 cbm
Number of tanks 2 full containment tanks
Range of tank capacity 10,000 cbm
Products HANDLED Liquified Natural Gas (LNG)
Services available Storage hire, unloading/loading of ship/barges, tanktrucks loading, maintenance of the product in the liquid phase through a reliquefaction system
additional Services Quantity and quality measurement of LNG and BOG (Boil Off Gas)
Sea-tankers accommodation Max vessels dimensions allowed:
  • length over all 200 m
  • beam 33 m
  • draft 10,2 m (32.8 ft)
Berthing according to Ravenna Port Authority regulations.

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